Fee structure & mode of payment are given in a separately printed brochure which is attached with this prospectus. You can also download the fee structure from our website: - www.iaebhopal.edu.in
The student will bear the expense incurred during technical visits/Practical at outsourced facilities to the various organization and DGCA exam fees.
(Note: The practical fees at out sources facilities are Rs 1,00,00/- + 18 % GST)
Lodging and boarding fee is Rs 5000 (GST Exclusive) for each month
Tuition fee has to be paid by 5th of every month.
GST and other taxes ( if Applicable ) should be paid in addition to the fees as mentioned above as per prevailing Govt. norms.
Fees for NRI students for the full course: Rs 7 Lacs ( inclusive of registration, Practical, Library, etc.) excluding boarding and lodging.
The student should submit the prescribed application form duly filled in along with the institution fees. Once a candidate is admitted to the institute, the fee is neither refundable nor transferable to any other account. All reasons shown for refund or transfer will be turned down.
Caution money is however refundable at the end of the completion of course. Damages of any sort are liable to be deducted from caution money.
Registration & examination fee of D.G.C.A. will be charged extra in addition to the institution fee. However, this kind of fees will be nominal as per rules of D.G.C.A.
The student may be asked to produce the receipts of the fees paid by them, as when required. Hence, He/ She must preserve the receipts with Him /Her.
The fee will be accepted either in cash or by D.D. drawn in favor of the respective institution.
All students are required to remit their fees on or before 5th of every month. The defaulter will be charged Rs 100 per day as fine & will not be allowed to attend the classes if not paid within 1 month of due date & the name will be struck off from the roll.
Meritorious students with 90% and above in qualifying examination will be granted 10% concession on tuition fees.
If the total fees are paid in a lump sum, 15% concession on tuition fees.
*concession will be offered only in one of the categories mentioned above to the deserving candidates.
08 Jan, 2025